SciencePo Summer School 2019
Sciences Po is now accepting applications for its 2019 Summer School. This intensive programme, featuring courses in both the social sciences and French language, is an excellent opportunity for students from our partner universities to discover Sciences Po over the course of the summer on our Paris campus. The Summer School's University Programme is held in two separate sessions during the months of June and July. Students have the choice to attend one or both sessions. 2019 Calendar June session: 3-28 June 2019 July session: 2-26 July 2019 Academic programme: The Summer School offers two academic tracks, in social sciences and French language. Both tracks are available in each session of the Summer School. In the social sciences track, students select one core class for intensive study over the course of 36 contact hours, on topics ranging from international relations to political science to economics, as well as interdisciplinary studies of contemporary issues (Media and Politics, Migration, Populism, etc.). Classes are led by Sciences Po professors and researchers and are taught in English. Successful completion of a course awards students 4 ECTS credits. Syllabi for these classes are available on the website.In the French language track, participants are placed at one of six levels adapted to their knowledge of the language (from total beginners to advanced). Over the course of 66 contact hours, students complete an intensive language programme including French language classes, oral expression workshops and written expression workshops. Successful completion of a course awards students 5 ECTS credits. All students have the possibility to choose additional elective courses to complete 24 hours of additional study on a variety of topics (French language, French history or politics, statistical methods, and gender studies). Successful completion of an elective class awards students 2 ECTS credits. Outside of class: The University Programme takes place on our Paris campus, in the heart of the Saint Germain-des-Prés neighbourhood. Our programme features a variety of extracurricular activities (conferences with guest speakers, guided visits to Parisian museums and monuments, weekend trips, etc.) over the course of the summer. Students may live in apartments or dorms with other programme participants, or choose to find their own housing if they so desire. Applying: The Summer School is open to students from across the world. The eligibility criteria and application procedure are detailed on the Summer School website. Candidates must apply through the Sciences Po online application system. The Summer School team is at your disposal to answer any questions regarding the 2019 programme. More information is available on the Summer School website:
SciencesPo SciencesPo
Externally Funded Projects Department of the International Affairs Unit at The University of Jordan is Planning a web seminar on "EU Funded PRograms Overview and How to Manage a Running Project" Presented by EU Programs Expert Prof. Raniero Chelli Thursday July 11th 2019 10:30 A.M Join URL (Join at the Event Day and Time) HTTPS://ZOOM.US/J/170766107
Join our Upcoming Web-based Seminar Thursday July 11th, 2019 on "EU PROGRAMS OVERVIEW AND HOW TO MANAGE A RUNNING PROJECT" presented by EU programs Expert Prof. Raniero ChelliJoin our Upcoming Web-based Seminar Thursday July 11th, 2019 on "EU PROGRAMS OVERVIEW AND HOW TO MANAGE A RUNNING PROJECT" presented by EU programs Expert Prof. Raniero Chelli

​Join for free. Click the below link at the scheduled day and time 

Day: Monday, July 29th 2019

Time: 10:30 A.M Amman Time

Join link:​

Join the Upcoming web seminar on "Tips for a Winning Grant Proposal" presented by prof. Raniero Chelli on Monday July 29th 2019Join the Upcoming web seminar on "Tips for a Winning Grant Proposal" presented by prof. Raniero Chelli on Monday July 29th 2019

​Event Agenda and Registration:

Click Here

Seminar Agenda.pdfSeminar Agenda.pdf

Join Us at Our Upcoming Event "2020 Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Seminar""Join Us at Our Upcoming Event "2020 Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Seminar""


Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) is a national non-profit making government organization of South Korea for trade and investment promotion, with 10 regional headquarters and 126 overseas trade centers in 86 countries. We, KOTRA office in Amman Office, will continue to do our utmost to be an essential bridge between you and Korean companies and serve as your global business platform.

We are pleased to announce of the 2020 Korea Trade Exhibition & Conference schedule in Korea.

At the core of events, We will be committed to providing outstanding business opportunities for exhibitors and buyers alike, with the hosted buyer program.



Exhibition Name



Exhibition Nae



Korea Build

2020. 02.26 ~ 03.01


Gwangju International IoT  Robot Fair

2020. 07.09 ~ 07.11


Solar, Wind & Earth Energy Trade Fair(SWEET)

2020. 03.18 ~ 03.20


Agricultural Machinery Show

2020. 09


H2 Mobility + Energy Show

2020. 03.18 ~ 03.20


Environment & Energy Tech(ENTECH)

2020. 09.02 ~ 09.04


KIMES-Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show

2020. 03.19 ~ 03.22


Defense & Security Expo Korea

2020. 09.16 ~ 09.19


Int'l Coating, Adhesive and Film Industry Expo
Int'l Hi-Tech Surface & and Painting Expo
Int'l Chemical & Bio Industrial Equipment Expo

2020. 03.25 ~ 03.28


Global Mobile Vision

2020. 10


International Green Energy Expo & Conference

2020. 04.01 ~ 04.03



2020. 10.08 ~ 10.11


Busan International Boat Show

2020. 04.16 ~ 04.19


Korea-Beauty Expo

2020. 10.15 ~ 10.17


International Fire & Safety Expo

2020. 04.22 ~ 04.24


Seoul Int'l Electric Fair.

2020. 10.21 ~ 10.23


Korea International Cooling Indestry Expo

2020. 05.13 ~ 05.15


Korea Machinery Fair(KOMAF)

2019. 10.22 ~ 10.25


International Food Industry Exhibition / SEOUL FOOD

2020. 05.19 ~ 05.22


Good Merchandise Fair Korea / G-FAIR KOREA

2020. 10.22 ~ 10.25



2020. 08


Korea International Construction Equipment Exhibition 2020

2020. 10.29 ~ 11.01


Global Electric Power Tech

2020. 05.27 ~ 05.29


Seoul Int'l CafeShow

2020. 11.04 ~ 11.07



2020. 06.19 ~ 06.21


Global TransporTech + Korea Automotive Industry Exhibition

2020. 11.18 ~ 11.20



2020. 06.24 ~ 06.26



second half year


International Green Car Industr Fair(Green Car Korea)

2020. 07.9 ~ 07.11



      *** See attachment for more details


For all your preparation and advance planning to attend the exhibition in Korea, please download the Application, fill it in, and send it signed and sealed via


● Benefits of Participation

l  Meeting arrangement with innovative and promising Korean businesses

l  Free accommodation (2 nights 3 days at designated hotel)

l  Some of Economy class flight fare to approved 1:1 Business meeting Buyer

l  1:1 Personal Interpreter service

l  Luncheon or Dinner Invitation

**Incentives limits may differ for each exhibition


● Contact Information

- Korea Business Center, Amman: Mrs. Jung-hyun, Lee

- Telephone: +962-6-5104060   E-Mail:


If you need any assistance, please dont hesitate to contact us. Your inquiry will be greatly appreciated and answered with our best sincerity.

Once again, we thank you for joining our event and anticipate your continued interest and support.


Best Regards,


Jung Hyun, Lee

Senior Specialist




Lee, Jung Hyun Senior Specialist

Korea Business Center in Amman, Jordan
KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)

Office #303 & 304 -3 rd floor of Campbell Gray Living Building (A4) Abdali street , New Abdali area.

TEL (962-6) 5104060| FAX (962-6) 5104070 | EMAIL



2020 Korea Trade Exhibition & Conference schedule in Korea.2020 Korea Trade Exhibition & Conference schedule in Korea.

ucn logo2.png

Four webinars sponsored by Virginia Tech with the financial support of the United States Embassy – Public Affairs Section, Amman, Jordan 

US - Jordanian UCN Webinar series: #3 Virtual Exchange Programming

The third of four in a series of webinars.

Many educators and institutions are wandering how to make global education possible for young people. There are many pathways to engage in virtual exchange, including researching and joining existing programs, piloting programs at a small scale with international partners, or tapping into international networks to establish new virtual exchange partners. Panelists will share how they explore ways to adopt virtual exchange and will highlight best practices and learnings for those new to the virtual exchange field.

Dec 8, 2020 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)​

            Registration Link​

      Four Sessions Agenda 


شبكة التعاون الجامعي الأمريكي الأردني تدعوكم للتسجيل ل ثالث جلسة عبر الويب بعنوان:

برمجة التبادل الإفتراضي

حيث ستعقد هذه الجلسة مساء يوم الثلاثاء الثامن من ديسمبر لعام 2020 الساعة الرابعة حتى السادسة بتوقيت عمان وكما هو مبين في الأجندة المتاحة على الموقع الرسمي للشبكة على الرابط

You are invited to attend the first US - Jordanian University Cooperation Network (UCN) Webinar  Series (third session)You are invited to attend the first US - Jordanian University Cooperation Network (UCN) Webinar  Series (third session)

Bordered Sunflower Photo Web Banner.png

     ​Topic                 US - Jordanian UCN Webinar series: #4 The Impact of COVID-19

on Higher Education, Technology, Emotional Distress and Lessons
The fourth and last in a series of webinars.

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spread across the globe,
every continent and nearly every country had to react. 
The webinar will explore possible solutions and practical ways that universities,
researchers and other stakeholders can tackle the COVID-19 situation and how
we can move forward from a health and socio-economic perspective.

Dec 15, 2020 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)​

4:00 P.M - 6:00 P.M (Amman Time)

​Registration Link is available at the network's website (​):​

الجلسة الرابعة من ندوات شبكة التعاون الجامعي الأمريكي الأردني بعنوان 

تأثير جائحة كورونا على التعليم العالي، والتكنولوجيا، الآثار النفسية والدروس المستفادة بتاريخ

الخامس عشر للشهر الجاري للعام 2020

رابط التسجيل على موقع الشبكة على الرابط:​

Online Webinar on December 15:  The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education, Technology, Emotional Distress and Lessons LearnedOnline Webinar on December 15:  The Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education, Technology, Emotional Distress and Lessons Learned

​You are all invited to attend our webinar on the latest two calls for capacity building projects by Nuffic Institution.

Externally Funded Projects Department of the International Affairs Unit at THE University Of Jordan Is hosting a Web Based Seminar on MONDAY JANUARY 11TH 2021 12 PM (AMMAN TIME).

The Webinar will be presented by Dr. Mrs. Reem Alkhader OKP Officer, Regional Representative of Nuffic at Jordan regarding the two latest calls For Proposals for capacity Building Projects By Orange knowledge program – NUFFIC, 

for more information and Join Link check our newsletter

Online seminar about OKP NUFFIC call for proposals (1)-1.pdfOnline seminar about OKP NUFFIC call for proposals (1)-1.pdf

Externally Funded Projects Department Webinar on Two calls for Proposals for capacity building projectsExternally Funded Projects Department Webinar on Two calls for Proposals for capacity building projects

​Externally Funded Projects department/ international Affairs Unit held a workshop on how to write a successful proposal for capacity building in higher education project with several experts in the field

here you can view the event agenda and presentations made during the event

Invitation - CBHE Info Day.pdfInvitation - CBHE Info Day.pdf

Award Criteria, Application Form and Submission.pdfAward Criteria, Application Form and Submission.pdf

Erasmus phase 2 Priorities.pdfErasmus phase 2 Priorities.pdf

Lump Sum .pdfLump Sum .pdf

DeCAIR Project Experience.pdfDeCAIR Project Experience.pdf

How to write a successful proposal for Capacity Building Projects workshopHow to write a successful proposal for Capacity Building Projects workshop

ICT4EDU is a 3-years projects that started on January 2023, and is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. It's coordinated By The University of Jordan (UJ) with 12 partners from Europe and MENA regions.

for more information about the project please view ICT4EDU.pdf​​

ICT4EDU newsletter ICT4EDU newsletter

The European, Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organized a general infoday on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education, highlighting new features and providing insights on preparing a competitive proposal on November 30, 2023. In case you missed it, you can view the recording using the following link:

Infoday on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher EducationInfoday on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

The European, Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is organising an Infoday on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education, focusing on what is new and on how to prepare a competitive proposal.
For more information please view the following Link

Infoday on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher EducationInfoday on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

​An announcement by the International Affairs Unit about organizing an introductory seminar for the “Rawabit” project. On 11/26/2023 in the auditorium of the Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II College of Political Sciences and International Studies from 10:00 to 11:00 am.​

Organizing an introductory seminar for the “Rawabit” projectOrganizing an introductory seminar for the “Rawabit” project

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. President of the University of Jordan, the International Affairs Unit at the University of Jordan is organizing, within the activities of the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Curricula Development Project supported by the European Union within the Erasmus Plus program, and in cooperation with the Institute of Electronic and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in Jordan, a workshop entitled:

“The reality and future of Jordanian higher education in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics”


This workshop focuses on the reality of higher educational needs programs in Jordanian universities in the specializations of artificial intelligence and robotics and the future of the labor market in these specializations, in light of the increasing successes and uses of artificial intelligence and robotics in our contemporary world and the increasing modernity of higher educational programs for these specializations in Jordan and the increasing interest of students in them. We participated in specializations from Jordanian higher education, specialized Jordanian government universities, and those interested, on Tuesday 9/19/2023 from 10 to 12 noon, in the conference hall at the Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II College of International Studies. Attached is a description of this workshop.​

workshop entitled:  “The reality and future of Jordanian higher education in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics”workshop entitled:  “The reality and future of Jordanian higher education in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics”

As part of the "Nexus Watch" project, which focuses on bolstering the water, food, and energy nexus, the University of Jordan initiated its third specialized workshop today. This initiative is supported by the Netherlands Organization for the Internationalization of Education (Nuffic) and involves a collaborative effort between the university, partners from Jordan, and counterparts from the Netherlands.

The workshop aims to advance the utilization of environmental monitoring techniques and geographic information technology to enhance the water-food-energy nexus. Additionally, it seeks to augment the skills and knowledge of specialists and organizations operating in these crucial fields.

Numerous local partners are actively engaged in the project, including Mu'tah University, the National University College of Technology, the National Center for Agricultural Research, the Future Pioneers Organization, and the Islamic Network for the Development and Management of Water Resources. Furthermore, international partners such as the University of Twente and AgriWatch B.V. from the Netherlands are also contributing to the project's endeavors.​

A workshop in “Jordan” to participate in the “Nexus Watch” projectA workshop in “Jordan” to participate in the “Nexus Watch” project

This morning, at the University of Jordan, under the auspices of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dr. Saleh Al-Kharabsheh, and in the presence of University President Dr. Nazir Obaidat, the final conference of the vocational training diploma project on electric and hybrid vehicles, "Eco-Car," supported by the European Union within the Erasmus Plus program, commenced.

During the opening ceremony, Engineer Yaqoub Murrar, representing the Minister, highlighted how the project aligns with the energy sector strategy for the years 2020-2030. This strategy aims to increase renewable energy's contribution to electricity generation and promote the shift towards electric transport to reduce carbon emissions by 10% by 2030.

Dr. Obaidat emphasized that the project's objectives and achievements resonate with the university's aspirations outlined in its strategic plan. The plan focuses on building specialized skills to meet labor market demands, emphasizing the importance of digital and soft skills to enable students to adapt to evolving market needs. He also stressed the significance of establishing and fortifying infrastructure to ensure the sustainability of such projects.

Omar Abu Eid, Director of Energy and Climate Programs at the European Union Mission, underscored the partnership between the Union and Jordan over the past two decades. He highlighted the Union's role in shaping green and renewable energy frameworks and supporting renewable energy development programs, with budgets exceeding 160 million euros.

Asma Al-Sammadi, Projects Director at the Erasmus National Office, discussed Jordan's successful participation in 58 capacity-building projects, coordinating 19 of them. She emphasized the program's effective role in supporting projects addressing contemporary challenges in education.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaimeh, the project coordinator, outlined the goals and achievements of the University of Jordan-led project. These include establishing professional and intermediate diplomas, conducting training workshops and meetings with experts, setting up private laboratories, and preparing faculty members, engineers, and technicians. The project involved 14 partners from Jordanian and European universities.

The conference, featuring two sessions with participation from experts at partner universities, aims to explore the latest developments and sustainable technologies in transportation and electric and hybrid vehicle technology. It provides a platform for sharing ideas, discussions, and recommendations to shape the future of sustainable transportation.​

 Commencement of the Concluding Conference for the "Eco-Car" Project Commencement of the Concluding Conference for the "Eco-Car" Project

The symposium aimed to familiarize faculty members with the "Erasmus Plus" project portal, provide guidance on project drafting, and elucidate the process of budget preparation.

Dr. Sameh Al-Zubaidi, Director of the International Affairs Unit, extended a warm welcome to the attendees, underscoring the university's prominent role in supportive endeavors. He emphasized the Department of External funded Projects' to offering comprehensive technical support to faculty members in crafting their projects.

The seminar comprised three sessions. The initial session delved into navigating the Erasmus Plus Tender Modification Opportunities (FTOP) portal, facilitated by Hadeel tawalbeh, Director of the externally funded project Department. Subsequent discussions centered on strategies for crafting successful research proposals, with insights shared by Dr. Walaa Al-Sammadi, Director of the International Relations Office at National University College of Technology.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaimeh, a distinguished professor at the university and an expert in Erasmus programs, provided invaluable guidance on preparing project statutes, emphasizing the importance of incorporating detailed clauses and considerations when drafting budgets.​

The International Affairs Unit at the University of Jordan recently organized an introductory seminar on the “Erasmus Plus” program.The International Affairs Unit at the University of Jordan recently organized an introductory seminar on the “Erasmus Plus” program.