الجامعة الأردنية - استراتيجية الجامعة

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan
The University of Jordan is a beacon of academic and research excellence and local and global impact, ranked among the best universities, and its programs are accredited by the best international accreditation bodies through prestigious global rankings and international accreditations. 
We work to improve the reputation of the University of Jordan, enhance its global standing, and achieve sustainable development goals by managing the university's ranking file and its programs and helping colleges obtain prestigious international accreditations that promote excellence and internationality.
Objectives 1. Contributing to enhancing the University of Jordan’s status both locally and internationally. 2. Improving the quality of academic programs by securing international accreditations from renowned bodies. 3. Contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals. 4. Keeping pace with the latest trends and building strong relationships with international institutions in the fields of ranking and accreditation. 5. Promoting international cooperation with other universities and research institutions. 6. Contributing to attracting outstanding students and faculty members from around the world.