الوثائق والمعلومات

The 2020 Erasmus+ Call for proposals was launched

Erasmus+ ​2020 Call is Launched:

Corporate Website Facebook Cover Photo.png

The 2020 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals was launched. There are no major changes to the Two principal components of the international dimension:

  • Capacity Building for Higher Education (CBHE)
  • Jean Monnet Actions (JMA)

Erasmus+ 2020 Programme Guide:

Erasmus+ 2020 Programme Guide Document is available for download in the below link:

On-line briefing Sessions by European Commission:

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Sessions:

  • How to successfully complete and finalise your project proposal, 12 November 10:00 CET
  • Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education: Focus on Asia, 15 November, 10:00 CET

Links to the CBHE web-streams will soon be available on the CBHE section of the EACEA funding page:


Tips From Externally Funded Projects Department:

Externally Funded Projects Department of International Affairs Unit Prepared Tips to follow as shown in the Below Document (Links are Clickable):

Register and Join Us
21/11/2019 Seminar about (2020 Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education):

In Accordance with the Erasmus+ 2020 Capacity Building In Higher Education call for proposals, Externally Funded Projects Department Invites you to our upcoming Seminar at The University of Jordan
View Event Agenda and Register for attendance: (Click Here )


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Externally Funded Projects Department

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