International Relations Department

​University of Granada/ Spain
Application Status:


Posted On. : 01-02-2017
App.   Deadline   :  07-03-2017


The Office of International Relations announces the availability of Erasmus+ scholarships for the bachelor degree students only in the Spanish and English major to study for 5 months at the University of Granada/ Spain.

Each scholarship includes a monthly allowance of 800 Euro and a maximum contribution towards travel costs in the amount of 530 Euro per student.

The deadline for applications is 07/03/2017

For more information click here. 

Application Form​

The application form should be accompanied with the following:

1- Proof of language proficiency

2- Learning agreement.

3- Recent transcript of records (in English).

4- Motivation statement​.

5- Passport copy.

6- C.v.​


​​*Please note that no applications will be accepted after the deadline.​

Very important note:​​​

According to the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme Guidelines, lower priority will be given to those who have already participated in mobility actions in the same study cycle (B.A., M.A., or Ph.D.) under the LLP-Erasmus Programme, Erasmus Mundus Programme or Erasmus+ Programme. These applications will be reviewed only if the number of submitted applications is less than or equal to the number of available scholarships at the host university.

International Affairs Unit

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started". - Mark Twain

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