EU Projects at the University of Jordan
Developing a Cosmetology vocational diploma to increase the employability for Women

General Objectives


COSMO plans to create “Sustainable growth and jobs" by preparing a generation of qualified individuals and supporting them through creating their own business which will enable them to effectively participate in the highly competitive job market and in turn generating local employment opportunities.


It is particularly important to foreground women employability since in Jordan, unemployment among women is double the number for men. Additionally, women have historically had to jump through multiple societal hoops in order to succeed professionally which necessitates providing the support to amend this disparity.


Specific Objectives:

First: Empowering women in society and increasing their active role in the economy by giving them the opportunity to carry out a project of their own and reducing the gap between males and females in terms of equal investment opportunities.

Second: Providing the opportunity to work for females in line with the culture of the local community, since the idea of working for females in a mixed environment is considered an idea excluded in eastern societies.

Third: This project does not require a high school diploma, and the presence of talent or motivation for learning and innovation is sufficient

Fourth: Providing job opportunities for former graduates of this specialization to work within the project

Fifth: When the number of female graduates in this field is increased and opportunities are provided for them to open their own projects, this will be reflected on the women of the local community by facilitating their access to cosmetic centers and their access to cosmetic services.


Duration: 36 Months


Partners list:


University of Jordan UJ

University of Florence UNIFI

Al-Azhar University AUC

Suez Canal University SCU

University of Sousa USO

National University College of Technology NUCT

University of Monastir UM

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek UNIOS

International Affairs Unit

Externally Funded Projects Department

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